daily routines with baby (that aren’t just for sleeping)
when you think of a routine with a baby, you might think about a strict schedule. but it doesn’t have to be like that at all. routines are a great way for babies to get used to daily rhythms of life. this post explains why you need routines and how to implement them from day one.

how to support a family with a baby in the nicu
I remember being in my hospital room when a photographer came in, ready to take a picture of my new babies. I had to tell him that they weren’t with me; they were two floors below in the NICU. he wasn’t sure how to react. people aren’t exactly sure what to say or do when a parent comes home… but their baby isn’t with them. this post breaks down what to do and not to do to support a family with a baby in the NICU

No one told me about: postpartum bleeding
regardless of how your baby arrived - vaginally or surgically - you will have postpartum bleeding (aka lochia.) it is very similar to a period, only heavier and longer-lasting. this post breaks down everything you need to know about lochia.