how to set up a nursing basket

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Nursing your baby? did you know that nursing sessions in the early days can be around forty-five minutes to an hour (or even longer for clusterfeeding?) One way to set yourself up for success is to have a nursing basket. this post breaks down what a nursing basket is and how to use it.

what is a nursing basket?

A nursing basket is filled with everything you need to survive those long feedings. When nursing, you’ll need lots of hydration and nutrients.

how do you set up a nursing basket?

  1. Get two baskets: one for the living room where you're probably stuck during the day and one for the room you nurse in at night.

  2. Add the goods: a water bottle, small snacks (like nuts, protein bars, chocolate,) a battery charger, a book, essential oils, burp cloths, anything you need. Then you're ready to go!

To stay on top of it, put your partner (or postpartum doula) in charge of refilling your baskets daily.

Want to feel more prepared to feed your baby? Get my body feeding guide here! It covers everything from checking your latch to storing milk.

Hi there! I’m Gigi and am a postpartum doula in Orange County + beyond. I have three kiddos (including twins) and a high-school sweetheart-turned-husband. I’ve always been a teacher but realized I was meant to teach parents and help them through the fourth trimester. I love forcing my friends and family to listen to me talk about zero waste, reading YA novels, and watching terrible reality shows.

Want to chat (especially about books or DIY cleaning products or babies?) Connect with me through e-mail or on Instagram!

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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