what is a gentle cesarean?

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April is International Cesarean Awareness Month, so I’ll be adding a few posts about surgical births. Oftentimes, parents who deliver via cesarean feel like they failed, like they let their baby down. Birth parents might mourn the birth they had planned. One way to make a surgical birth feel more like a vaginal birth is a gentle, or family-centered, cesarean delivery.

what is the goal of a gentle cesarean?

a family-centered cesarean aims to shift the mindset of birthing and supporting parents. while it’s still a surgery, this path lets the parents be more involved and feel empowered. another goal is to get the baby onto the birthing parent for skin-to-skin as quickly as possible.

what is a gentle cesarean?

  • a clear plastic sheet is used, so parents can see the baby emerging

  • parents can request certain music to be played

  • if anesthesiologist is comfortable with it, one or both arms can be free

  • if there are no issues, baby can have immediate skin to skin

  • the cord clamping is delayed (and the supporting parent can do it)

  • APGAR tests can be performed on the parent or later

how can you advocate for a gentle cesarean?

  • even if you don’t anticipate a surgical birth, you can ask your OB/GYN if they will perform a gentle cesarean

  • if they will not, you can request another doctor

  • if you do a hospital tour, you can ask if the anesthesiologists are usually comfortable with family-centered cesareans

  • if possible, bring a doula or advocate to help you explain your rights

remember, all births are real births, and having a surgical birth doesn't mean a parent failed or can’t have a beautiful experience. have you heard about gentle cesarean births? DM me and let me know.

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond. 


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