how to support a family with a baby in the nicu
I remember being in my hospital room when a photographer came in, ready to take a picture of my new babies. I had to tell him that they weren’t with me; they were two floors below in the NICU. he wasn’t sure how to react. people aren’t exactly sure what to say or do when a parent comes home… but their baby isn’t with them. this post breaks down what to do and not to do to support a family with a baby in the NICU

how to ask for help with a newborn
Asking for help is hard. especially with a newborn. This article breaks down what you will need help with and how to ask for help. #postpartumdoula #orangecounty #helpwithnewborn

what new parents need…but aren’t getting
The last year has revealed to some what parents have known for a long time: parents often do not get the support they need in the fourth trimester and beyond. To thrive as humans and to make our children thrive, we need more. Here are just a few of the things new parents need.