baby sleep essentials: white noise
“get ready to never sleep again,” “good luck not sleeping!” these are all things people hear from others when pregnant. while the first few weeks or months of sleep deprivation are difficult, parents can do many things to help ensure it doesn’t last too long ( #makeaplan #hireapostpartumdoula ) one way is with white noise, or rhythmic sounds like waves, rain, or vacuuming to soothe babies.
what are the benefits?
research proves that babies fall asleep faster when there is white noise.
reminds baby of the womb
transitions baby between sleep cycles
prevents disturbances from waking baby
becomes a sleep signal
is it harmful?
some warn it can damage hearing or cause speech delay. there is no strong evidence of this. at medium volume, a white noise machine is about 50 - 60 dBs, or the sound of a regular conversation. research shows noise is not harmful until 85dBs. however, keep the white noise low and turn it off if baby isn’t sleeping.
if you are using a cell phone or tablet app to make white noise, make sure to put the device in airplane mode to avoid microwave radiation.
how is white noise used?
place near (not in or right next to) crib
put on for naps / bedtime
keep it on for entire nap
what white noise machine should you use?
there are some with fancy features and an app, like the Hatch. but any old sound machine will do, especially for a baby whose room should be dark (they all make noise, am I right?) I’ve used this one and this one. I also have a few of these in my car (and my diaper bag. and my stroller) for sleeping on-the-go.
Want to chat about setting up healthy baby sleep habits or preparing for postpartum? DM me on Instagram or e-mail me!
Hi there! I’m Gigi and am a postpartum doula in Orange County + beyond. I have three kiddos (including twins) and a high-school sweetheart-turned-husband. I’ve always been a teacher but realized I was meant to teach parents and help them through the fourth trimester. I love forcing my friends and family to listen to me talk about zero waste, reading YA novels, and watching terrible reality shows.
Want to chat (especially about Sarah J. Maas novels or DIY cleaning products or babies?) Connect with me through e-mail or on Instagram!