when will my baby be on a schedule?
Why do parents want a schedule?
When babies are first born, they’re waking to eat 8 or more times every 24 hours.. So, it’s normal to want a light at the end of the tunnel, to understand when things will feel settled. Then, when we turn to the internet, we’re given baby schedules.
Why are baby schedules problematic?
Baby schedules, with specific times, don’t take into account that babies are little humans who do what they want. They don’t follow schedules. Then, when they don’t follow the schedule we’ve created, we feel like we’re doing something wrong. So how can a new parent move away from the idea of a schedule?
Schedule vs routine
Instead of a schedule, create a routine with your baby. A routine follows a set of steps throughout the day but not specific times. So while a schedule says that a baby wakes up at 7:00 am and goes to nap at 9:00 am, a routine starts when a baby wakes and follows steps. A routine helps set up structure for the day. And in the early days, this routine won’t be predictable.
What factors affect when your baby will have a predictable routine?
So many things affect when a baby has a more structured routine. Here are just a few.
Once your baby is bigger, eating more, and able to stay awake longer, you’ll start to see a routine emerge.
Want to learn more about the fourth trimester with a baby? Book a prenatal meeting with me today! You can also learn more by following me on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest.