S2, Episode 10: Postnatal Depletion with Kim Perez
In this episode, Kim and I discuss:
Why is the time period from pre-conception to postpartum so susceptible to depletion?
These times are demanding: physically, emotionally, and more; this causes a lot of stress on your body. Some people are already depleted before pregnancy, so their body isn’t able to meet the needs of the baby. Babies will take what they need, which causes them to steal nutrients. Postpartum, it is very difficult for new parents to have their basic needs met. So, all of these circumstances compound causing severe depletion.
What is postnatal depletion? What are its symptoms?
Postnatal depletion has a spectrum of symptoms, and it will look and feel different for everyone. It might feel like a person is running on empty. Symptoms can look like
Being tired
Having a weaker immune system
Feeling cold
Severe hair loss (which could also be hormonal)
Having an irregular, painful period
Feeling brain fog
Experiencing mental health stressors, like depression and anxiety
Before you work together, how are your clients managing their symptoms?
Most clients are experiencing exhaustion and hitting a wall.
Others are trying different supplements or trends.
Some are stuck in the hamster wheel of conventional medicine, and they feel they aren’t getting the right support.
All of them feel that something isn’t right.
Along with working with a functional nutritionist, what should people do to prepare for the depletion of this time period?
Upgrading your nutrition can make a difference; this means eating enough food to ensure your body has the macro and micronutrients it needs to function.
Then, look at the quality of your food. There isn’t a perfect diet, but look at how your food is nourishing you. If possible, get the most nutrient-dense, minimally-processed foods in your budget.
Next, evaluate your stress load and have tools to manage stress. Sleep as much as you can, and don’t over-exercise. This includes mental health and processing the many emotions that come with pregnancy and parenthood.
Lastly, you can do testing to look at what your body needs.
How can people avoid depletion postpartum?
Make a plan for postpartum. Meet with your support team to discuss what you’ll need. Have a meal train, write down your favorite meals and restaurants, fill the pantry, and make snacks.
Decide what supplements will help you during postpartum as well (with a medical professional.)
Create your team of support people from doulas to pelvic floor physical therapists
What are your favorite resources?
Adrenal cocktails are a balanced ratio of sodium and potassium; it can be coconut water with lemon or lime juice and sea salt. Sodium and potassium deplete quickly when stressed, and when they deplete, other minerals can deplete quickly. The vitamin C in the citrus is hydrating as well. You can start with one a day, and see how your body reacts; you should drink it within an hour of eating. Jigsaw makes adrenal cocktail powder.
Magnesium lotion or baths can help during pregnancy and postpartum.
Organ meat and bone broth are also very nourishing.
You can find Kim on her website or Instagram.
Enjoy the episode!
Kim Perez is a Functional Nutritionist who guides and supports women through the transition into motherhood and beyond. Her personal journey- especially the challenges she faced postpartum and the healing she embarked on once she became a mom- lit a fire in her to more deeply help other women through this often difficult and unsupported season. Kim is passionate about addressing the root causes of symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, and painful periods and restoring vibrant metabolic health and mineral balance. She aims to help women befriend and trust their bodies, while guiding them to nourish themselves more fully so they can function their best- especially in the face of the many demands of motherhood. Through her 1:1 work, group programs, and online education, Kim carries out her mission of teaching and empowering moms so they can have the energy they need to show up fully in motherhood and be as resilient as possible to the stressors they encounter.