Must-Haves for Postpartum Recovery

baby on floor next to adult with pacifier

Most parents focus so much on preparing for the things their baby needs that they forget about what THEY need to recover from birth. Here are my must-haves for postpartum recovery.

  • Lots of pads! You’ll have lochia for a few weeks after your baby is born. (No matter how your baby is born, you will bleed.) So pads are a necessity.

  • If you have tears during childbirth, padcicles or ice packs are soothing. An herbal perineal spray and a donut cushion are also great.

  • A peri bottle will help you to clean yourself while healing as well. Most hospitals will give you one, so you can bring yours home.

  • Disposable or washable mesh underwear are a lifesaver.

  • Stool softener can make the first, dreaded bowel movement postpartum a little less scary.

  • Many people suffer from hemorrhoids postpartum, so hemorrhoid relief pads help a ton. But you can also use the icepacks or padcicles with witch hazel.

  • A sitz bath is a great way to relax, recover, and heal. You can buy pre-made sitz bath packs or you can make your own with epsom salt and witch hazel. Get your care provider’s approval before submerging yourself in a bath.

  • Staying hydrated with lots of water, and eating warm, nourishing food will aid in healing.

  • This isn’t an absolute must, but hiring a belly bind specialist for in-person or virtual binding or learning how to do belly binding on your own can aid and speed up physical healing.

  • Get lots of support (like a postpartum doula,) to allow you to rest, recover, and bond with your baby.

Want to prepare even more for birth and postpartum? Book a prenatal meeting or VIP day with me! You can also learn more by following me on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest.

Hi! I'm Gigi; I'm a postpartum doula, mother to three toddlers, including twins, and a wife to my high school sweetheart.

I help families get the tools they need to prepare, so once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding instead of researching or stressing. I’m here to streamline the newborn learning curve and help birth parents, partners, and other family members. There isn’t ONE way to have and raise a little human. I’m here to guide parents to find THEIR way so that they can thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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