how to choose a formula

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Choosing to use formula can be an emotionally charged decision. You might deal with pressure, guilt, or judgment. But, you’re the only one who knows what’s best for your child. And if you use formula, it’s best to do your research and choose the best one for your baby. This article breaks down what ingredients to avoid and look for in a formula.

What to avoid

  1. Sweeteners

    Corn maltodextrin and sugar should be avoided or at least scrutinized. These are food additives that come from genetically modified ingredients. They add no nutritional value.

  2. Oils like soybean, palm, safflower and sunflower

    These oils are cheap, unstable, and highly-processed. They can also be difficult for babies to digest.

  3. Nanoparticles

    Nano ingredients are engineered to add flavor and “nutrition,” but they’ve been found to be hazardous to humans and can potentially alter a baby’s DNA. We don’t know the exact impact of it yet, but it’s been banned from cosmetics and the UK is trying to ban it as well. Even worse, nanoparticles don’t always show up on the list of ingredients.

  4. Aluminum

    Many studies have found levels of aluminum of formula are higher than allowed in drinking water; high levels of aluminum have been found to lead to neurological disorders.

What to look for

  1. Organic ingredients

    Just because ingredients are organic doesn’t mean they’re perfect. But, you’ll know they’re safer. After making a list of organic formulas, do more research to ensure they’re free of the ingredients listed above.

  2. Whole foods

    Formula should provide all of the fats, proteins, and macronutrients that help baby grow. And because baby’s digestive systems are sensitive, those ingredients should be synthetic but whole.

Types of formula

There are different types of formula that you can choose based on your child’s needs. There are even lactose-free and vegan options.

  1. Dairy-Based

  2. Whey

  3. Lactose-Free

  4. Pea protein 

Extras for formula

Speak with your baby’s pediatrician about adding these into your formula.

  1. Probiotics

    As I mentioned, babies stomachs are still developing. You can add probiotic drops to improve all the side effects that make babies miserable like gassiness.

  2. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is often recommended for babies and can be administered with a drop.

  3. DHA

    DHA helps babies’ brains grow and develop. It has become a controversial additive; some formulas or drops are enriched with DHA, which is synthetic, so investigate the source of DHA. (Nature’s One has found a safe and healthy way to add DHA to its formula.)

What brands to consider

  1. Organic Start has many options to choose from that are all great.

  2. Nature’s One also has a lot of organic formulas and is independently-owned.

In conclusion, there isn’t a “perfect” formula, and it might take a few tries to get one that works well for your baby. But spend some time, before baby arrives, making a list of formulas you’d approve of, and consider bringing one to the hospital or birth center in case you choose to supplement.


Hi! I'm Gigi; I'm a postpartum doula, mother to three toddlers, including twins, and a wife to my high school sweetheart. I’m a #swiftie who loves cheesy novels.

As a former teacher, I bring realistic, evidence-based, and actionable advice (and LOTS of handouts.) I help families get the tools they need to prepare, so once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding instead of researching or stressing. I’m here to streamline the newborn learning curve and help birth parents, partners, and other family members. There isn’t ONE way to have and raise a little human. I’m here to guide parents to find THEIR way so that they can thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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