green swap: diapering

cloth diaper simple home postpartum doula.jpg

want to find eco-friendly baby swaps but not ready to or interested in jumping into cloth diapering? Here are three easy swaps you can make.

  1. Cloth wipes: traditional wipes have harmful, toxic substances like carcinogens or endocrine disruptors. Cloth wipes are great for sensitive skin and can be repurposed later on.

  2. Diaper pail liners: refilling a diaper pail with a plastic bag is hard on your wallet as well as the planet. A reusable diaper pail liner is an easy switch that smells much better.

  3. Wet / dry bags: these are a must for any diaper bag. They can be used for dirty diapers, soiled clothes, dirty burp cloths, or any of the other random dirty things babies create.

Any others I forgot? E-mail me or DM me on Instagram!

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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