wake windows for babies

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What are wake windows?

Wake windows are averages of times your baby can stay awake based on his or her age.

Why are they important?

Paying close attention to wake windows can help in a few ways. It can guide your routine with your baby and signal when your baby will be ready to drop a nap. It will also help troubleshoot sleep issues. If your baby suddenly starts taking short naps, you might need to check the wake windows and keep him or her awake a bit longer.

Remember, these are just averages. My first son always stayed awake a little less, but my younger two have always stayed awake much longer. Don’t force these times on your child; just use them as a helpful guide.

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Hi! I'm Gigi; I'm a postpartum doula, mother to three toddlers, including twins, and a wife to my high school sweetheart.

As a former teacher, I bring realistic, evidence-based, and actionable advice (and LOTS of handouts.) I help families get all the tools they need to prepare, so once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding instead of researching or stressing. I’m here to streamline the newborn learning curve and help birth parents, partners, and other family members. There isn’t ONE way to have and raise a little human. I’m here to guide parents to find THEIR way so that they can thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

  • Ready to learn how to create an actionable postpartum plan?

  • Ready to get the support you need in the fourth trimester?

Then learn about my prenatal planning services here!

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond. 


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