Episode 9: All about baby wearing

In this episode, you’ll hear Leslie Greene and I discuss:

When can parents start baby wearing? What are the best carriers for newborns?

What are the types of carriers? 

  • Stretchy wraps (see above)

  • Ring slings - a long fabric with a specially-made ring to hold baby; this can be for newborns or older babies; it is easy to carry and set up

  • Soft structured carriers - the SUV of carriers are versatile and can be worn on front or back; they might not be the best fit for a newborn

  • Onbuhimo or Mei tai - a panel with four straps that can be tied in various ways, which is intuitive to use

  • Woven wraps - several feet of woven material that can be tied many ways; it is usually more expensive because it is artisan-made

What are the benefits of baby wearing?

  • Babies being worn are generally calmer and happier

  • Parents are closer and can pay attention to cues such as hunger

  • Babies being held sleep better

  • It is beneficial for body feeding

  • It connects us to your ancestral roots

  • It improves a caregiver’s mental health

What are misconceptions about baby wearing?

  • People believe that baby wearing is only for transportation, but it can be used all the time

  • Holding babies for contact naps will make them bad sleepers, but biologically, babies aren’t ready to sleep on their own yet 

  • Baby wearing makes babies dependent, but actually it lets them experience more things and become independent 

  • People try a carrier and, if their baby cries, they assume their baby hates it. But babies might need more time in the carrier

  • Some say carriers are not good for physical development, but if it's being used correctly, it should support their posture perfectly

How is baby wearing connecting us to our ancestors?

  • It allows us to honor the baby wearing traditions of our ancestors. 

  • It allows those whose cultures have been stolen, such as Black and indigenous people, to take back their practices. 

  • It allows those who are subject to “grind” culture, forced to return to work to connect their babies 

What are tips for baby wearing?

  • Don’t wait until your baby is upset to try a carrier for the first time

  • For the fit, the carrier should be tight; you should see your baby’s airway clearly; your baby should be “kissable;” their butt and knees should be in an “M” or frog shape. 

  • Check settings and fit with each wear 

  • Learn prenatally

What is your advice for new parents who want to wear their baby?

  • Parents can wear their babies all the time, even for contact naps

  • Start from day one or whenever you want to start

  • Use it as a tool as much as you want

  • Other people can carry babies and bond 

What is your biggest pregnancy / birth / postpartum tip?

  • Be flexible. Have a tool belt with many “tools.”

  • Be patient with yourself and have grace.

Where can people find you?

You can find Leslie on her Instagram or on her website.

Enjoy the episode!

Leslie is a DC based birth and postpartum doula. She also teaches Evidence Based Birth Childbirth class and is a babywearing educator. With roots in the Deep South, Leslie is passionate about reproductive justice for black and indigenous birthing people. She is also a single mom to an almost 6 year old and they live in the “burbs with a shelter pup and barn kitty.

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond. 


Episode 10: What is the Bradley Method?


Episode 8: What is conscious parenting?