eco-friendly laundry products
if you have any children, you are probably doing laundry every. single. day. that cycle (pun intended) can wreak havoc on your skin, your clothes, your energy bill, and the planet. here are some great eco-friendly products to get you started.
laundry powder or detergent: traditional laundry detergent often has endocrine disruptors (aka stuff that messes with your hormones) and carcinogens (aka things that can cause cancer.) before buying a new detergent, investigate the ingredients.
agitators: these are a great addition for the washer or dryer. in the washer, the agitators make laundry detergent more effective, and in the dryer, they speed up drying time and soften fabrics.
microfiber grabber: every time you use your washer, tiny microfiber particles (aka plastic) enters and pollutes our waterways. a ball, like the Cora Ball, that catches microfibers can protect your clothes and the planet.
drying rack: your dryer uses a lot of energy and can shorten the lifespan of your clothes. I use my drying rack for almost all of my clothes and all my toddlers’ favorite shirts.
mesh bag: if you have babies or kids, you MUST have a mesh laundry bag for socks, underwear, swim suits, and other teeny baby items. you can also use mesh bags for your own delicates like bras or underwear.
oxygen whitener: I was blessed with three children with incredibly sensitive skin. I have to be so careful about what goes on their skin, and bleach isn’t an option (also: see endocrine disruptors and carcinogens above). So, I use an oxygen whitener instead.
wool dryer balls: the benefits of wool dryer balls can be its own post. they reduce drying time, reduce static, and reduce lint. these are all good for your clothes, your energy bill, and the planet. you can also add essential oils if you miss the scented dryer sheets.
Do you use any of these alternatives? If not, what would you be interested in trying? Email or DM me and let me know!