5 Reasons to hire a postpartum doula

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A postpartum doula can help all new and expecting parents. With a postpartum doula, you’ll feel calm and supported and (kinda) rested. Here are five reasons you should hire a postpartum doula.

Educational Support

Postpartum doulas give clients evidence-based information. We can teach about topics like newborn care, healthy sleep habits, postpartum healing, and baby wearing.

Feeding Support

Learning to body feed can be tough. A doula helps teach you about body and bottle feeding. We can also refer you to lactation consultants and support groups.

Emotional Support

Pregnancy, labor, and postpartum can be emotional and even traumatic. A postpartum doula is there to listen and empathize. We also can help you set up a great support plan

Physical Support

Having a baby is exhausting! Birth parents need to rest and heal. A postpartum doula lets you do that! We can prepare sitz baths or heating pads and we make sure you have time to take care of yourself and eat and shower.

Household Support

A postpartum doula helps with light cleaning, laundry, meal prep, hanging out with an older child, and more. It gives you time to rest and bond with your baby.

Those are the five reasons to hire a postpartum doula! If you’re interested in hiring me as your doula, check out my support packages. And if you want to feel even more ready for your baby, schedule a prenatal meeting or learn more about my VIP intensive Ready for Baby in a Day.

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Hi! I'm Gigi; I'm a postpartum doula, mother to three toddlers, including twins, and a wife to my high school sweetheart.

As a former teacher, I bring realistic, evidence-based, and actionable advice (and LOTS of handouts.) I help families get all the tools they need to prepare, so once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding instead of researching or stressing. I’m here to streamline the newborn learning curve and help birth parents, partners, and other family members. There isn’t ONE way to have and raise a little human. I’m here to guide parents to find THEIR way so that they can thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

Gigi Vera

Hi! I’m Gigi, and I’m a postpartum doula. I help new parents adjust so that they thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond. 


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